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Access All Areas (AAA) Pass

Who is this pass for?

CSOs (Chief Sustainability Officers), Heads of Sustainability, VP Sustainability, Sustainability Directors, Heads of ESG, Heads of Sustainable Investing, Sustainability Managers.


AAA Pass package:

  • Design your visit - Book seats in your choice of keynote, panel, and workshop sessions across the two days. AAAs passes receive exclusive early access to the program
  • Exhibition of suppliers and services
  • Complimentary BusinessGreen 16th Birthday Drinks Reception on Day 1
  • Live music and cultural content around the festival
  • Voucher for beverages (tea & coffee) to use at outlets within the festival, as you wish
  • Complimentary climate-friendly vegetarian lunch


*AAA Passes are strictly limited. We will respond to confirm your ticket or advise on an alternative pass.

Festival Pass

Who is this pass for?

Business Owners, Board Members, Directors, Heads of Department, Managers, Communications and PR Officers responsible for achieving or communicating sustainability goals for their organisation.

Festival Pass package:

  • Reserve seats in your choice of keynote, panel and workshop sessions across the two days
  • Exhibition of suppliers and services
  • Complimentary BusinessGreen 16th Birthday Drinks Reception on Day 1
  • Live music and cultural content around the festival
  • Food & beverage options, available to  to purchase at outlets